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‘Yes! Your teeth stains are preventable!’


What is staining of teeth?

Teeth discoloration is change in color of your original teeth. Your teeth might not seem to be as whiter and as brighter as before and we don’t mean by only yellowish discoloration! Do you know that your teeth can be stained from yellow to brown or black and even purple?


What are the types of stains?

A common problem in humans is associated with discoloration of the teeth. It is then that they have a question, what are the types of staining of teeth and is it possible to get back your natural shade?

1. Enamel staining
Such staining affects only the enamel of the teeth, and it will perfectly lend itself to whitening.

2. Discoloration inside the tooth
This staining will spread deep into the tooth, which leads to the appearance of internal stains.

3. Tetracycline staining
The antibiotic tetracycline is also considered to be the cause of the discoloration of the tooth. Sometimes it is prescribed to young mothers 3-4 months of pregnancy or children under seven years of age.

4. Fluorosis
With such a disease, the enamel of the tooth is affected. Excess fluoride in the body is considered to be the main cause of the disease. Fluorosis can develop mainly in children. The disease is accompanied by a change in the color of the tooth from light yellow to light brown.

5. Teeth discoloration over the years
This discoloration of teeth affects almost all people, and it is associated with the natural accumulation of coloring substances throughout life. That is, over time, microcracks, defects appear on the teeth, the enamel layer decreases, which entails color changes.

6. White spots on the teeth
In addition to dark and yellow spots on the teeth, there are also white ones, which can be either congenital or acquired during life.

Looking for stained teeth clinic in Pune?


Which substances are likely to cause stains on teeth?

The most popular reason for this tooth darkening is considered to be the consumption of chocolate, dark berries, red wine, etc. Teeth turn yellow especially quickly due to strong tea or coffee.

As a rule, if a person consumes such a drink for a month, then he runs the risk of acquiring a yellowish tint on his teeth, which cannot be eliminated with the help of regular brushing. Based on this, drinks and foods containing a high level of dyes most often cause darkening of the teeth, while after prolonged use of them, the teeth acquire a shade from yellow to dark brown.
The discoloration of the teeth is also strongly manifested in smokers, since nicotine causes the teeth to acquire an unpleasant yellowish or brown tint. Generally, the harder a smoker smokes cigarettes, the longer they smoke, the more likely it is that teeth will turn yellow over time. Basically, in this case, the front teeth are stained, near the gums.

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How can you prevent the formation of stains on teeth?

There is the main and simplest tool that will help preserve the whiteness of tooth enamel: a toothbrush. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a toothbrush and once with a floss.

Better yet, brush after every meal and snack. Brushing helps prevent teeth stains and yellowing, especially on the gum line. Electric and ultrasonic toothbrushes are much more effective at removing plaque and surface stains from teeth.
Apart from that you can avoid the food and beverages that are known to cause stains on teeth.
Using over the counter whitening agents can help you with whitening of teeth but they might cause irritation to your gums.

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Do talk to our expert dentists for best recommendations.


How can we help you prevent stains?

To spot potential dental problems in time, visit your dentist regularly for checkups and professional cleaning. Modern methods of cleaning and polishing used in dentistry will allow you to get rid of any stains on your teeth effectively and painlessly.


What are the treatment options for teeth staining?


1. Scaling
Some of the extrinsic surface stains can be removed the procedure of scaling. It is a simple procedure which may or may not require local anesthesia. It involves scraping of stains and tartar from the surface of your tooth using an ultrasonic device. It may require more than one appointment depending on the severity of stains.
Note: Replace Dental Crowns by scaling: Simple procedure which is very effective in removing extrinsic stains

2. In-office bleaching procedures
Choosing to get bleaching at GoBest Dentist is sure to give you promising results. We use best technologies to ensure maximum shade lightening and minimal post-operative sensitivity. We will first apply a protective gel over your gums and then use a special solution to lighten your teeth. This may require more than one visit. Another option is making a custom tray to apply bleach at home.

3. Veneers
Veneers are shells of tooth coloured material placed over front surface of teeth usually indicated to improve the appearance of smile. They are minimally invasive procedure recommended for stains in front teeth which cannot be removed by scaling.

Frequently Asked Questions

As a rule, discolored teeth are not a health or medical problem, rather an aesthetic one. However, if you feel very restricted by this and avoid laughing, avoiding laughing as much as possible can sometimes also have psychological effects in addition to the cosmetic effects. After all, the teeth have a decisive influence on the external appearance.
Chemicals in all tea can erode and damage your teeth. Even green tea and black tea can cause staining of teeth.
The reversibility of teeth stains depends on the type of stain. Most of the extrinsic stains can be removed by simple procedures like scaling. Intrinsic stains might require more extensive procedures like teeth whitening.
